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At Brilliant Dermatology & Aesthetics, we provide diagnosis and treatment for a range of skin disorders. Click on the below tabs/links to learn more.

Brilliant Dermatology
Medical Dermatology

Brilliant Dermatology and Aesthetics offers the finest in medical dermatology care. Drawing on her top medical and dermatologic training, Dr. Norton handles all aspects of the skin from cancer screening to rashes and benign growths.

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Brilliant Dermatology
Skin Care

SA good comprehensive skin care regimen is essential for healthy and glowing skin and includes the following:


Cleansing removes the dirt, pollutants and pore-clogging oil from the surface of the skin. A cleanser should always be chosen based on the skin type. Cleansers for dry and sensitive skin should be free of alcohol. Moreover, cleansers for very dry skin should be creamier.

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Skip Location
Dermatology &

5162 Linton Boulevard
Suite 203
Delray Beach, FL 33484

561.877.DERM (3376) 561.877.DERM (3376) 877.992.1153